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Voter ID and Early Voting Supported by a Huge Number Of Americans

A new poll by Gallup shows a large majority of voters (84%) support requiring photo ID when voting and 83% said yes of providing proof of citizenship when registering to vote for the first time. Currently 36 states mandate voters to produce an ID when going to vote.

In the past, Democrats were not too fond of voter ID laws, but according to the survey, those numbers have changed from 2022, with an increase of 14% from Democrats now favoring photo identification to vote. But democrats polled lower by 30 points compared to Republicans on supporting photo ID.

GOP voters were more likely to support measures to ensure ineligible people don’t vote. and almost all Republicans polled said that they support laws requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote and photo ID, 

Early Voting, Expanding Voting Laws, Drop Boxes and Purging Voter Rolls 

In 2020, former President Donald Trump blasted early voting, but this election cycle republican voters have been turning out in early voting in record numbers. The new Gallup poll found 76% of U.S. adults favoring the concept of early voting, with 57% of GOP voters favoring early voting. That number is down from 74% in a 2016.

Sixty percent of voters in the poll favored automatic voter registration, and 64% opposed removing eligible voters from a voter registration if they hadn’t voted in any elections in the past 5 years, while 58% want to limit the use of drop boxes when returning absentee ballots.
Sixty-one percent of Republicans polled favored of limiting drop boxes, and 51% supported purging the voter rolls after five years of non-voting. Most Democrats opposed voter roll purges.

On expanding voting rights, Democrats more than Republicans support laws that would expand voter opportunities.

“The bottom line is a majorities of Americans favor a range of election law policies that expand voters’ access to the ballot box, including early voting, automatic voter registration and sending absentee ballot applications to all eligible voters. They also broadly support measures to limit fraud and ensure election integrity, including requiring photo identification to vote and providing proof of citizenship when first registering to vote. The public is much less supportive of two policies that would make it harder to vote, including limiting the number of drop boxes for absentee ballots and purging non-voters from voter registration lists,” said Megan Brenan from Gallup.


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