This week, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) announced almost $48 million available in grant funding for Florida’s small cities to further community development projects through the Florida Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for economic development, commercial and neighborhood revitalization, housing rehabilitation, and other infrastructure improvements, which can include planning for broadband deployment and expansion.
“Since 2019, under Governor DeSantis’ leadership, DEO has awarded more than $119 million through the Small Cities Florida Community Development Block Grant program to strengthen economic resiliency in communities across the state,” said DEO Sec. Dane Eagle. “I encourage all eligible local governments to apply for these funds to further economic development, including plans to enhance broadband in their communities to benefit future generations.”
Non-entitlement units of local government that have an open grant through the Neighborhood Revitalization, Housing Rehabilitation, and Commercial Revitalization program areas are also eligible to apply for funding in the Economic Development program area for job creation and/or retention activities.
For the Small Cities CDBG program, electronic applications are being accepted. Interested applicants must email [email protected] by 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on Tuesday, July 12, 2022, to request a link to access the electronic application or for additional details on how to complete and submit an application. Instructions and access to upload the completed documents will be provided by return email. All applications must be received by Thursday, July 21, 2022, to be considered for the funding.
For more information about the funding available and how to apply, please visit
The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity combines the state’s economic, workforce, and community development efforts, expediting economic development projects to fuel job creation in competitive communities and promote economic resiliency.