In 2022, Democrats and the Biden Administration praised the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) as the single largest investment in climate and energy in American history.
“This bill will enable America to tackle the climate crisis, advancing environmental justice, securing America’s position as a world leader in domestic clean energy manufacturing,” said the Biden White House.
Parts of that bill enlarged the IRS to hire 80,000 plus new agents. Lower drug cost and treatments. But the bill’s main focus was implementing parts of the “Green New Deal.”
“It’s more like the Green New scam,” says Junk Science founder and Senior Fellow at the Energy & Environment Legal Institute, Steve Milloy.
During the campaign, President Donald Trump pledged he would terminate the “Green New Scam.” Milloy and others are encouraging Congress to help him do so by repealing every subsidy of the Inflation Reduction Act, which will cost Americans more than a trillion dollars.
“The Left has been pushing for radical green proposals, like the IRA, that have no scientific basis. Most climate fearmongering has never materialized and catastrophic predictions from the past 50 years have not been fulfilled,” said Milloy”.
Milloy was a former Trump EPA transition team member and said it may take some time to undo the items that were passed in the IRA bill back in 2022.
States like Florida are set to receive billions that would increase manufacturing for items like solar panels. But Milloy says this will cost more for consumers and the taxpayers over &1 trillion dollars.
“We need to stop cutting checks for fraudulent activity. When the inevitable lawsuits come, argue that Green New Scam spending is all waste, fraud and abuse. If courts say that President Trump must waste taxpayer money on fraud, then Republicans run on that in 2026. Problem solved,” said Milloy.