Franchises are not just a staple of American business—they’re a major driver of job creation.
Data Business information company Cinch says Florida is seeing an uptick of those starting a franchise.
Researchers from Cinch looked at what was driving the job growth at the state level to determine the extent to which franchise employment growth contributes to overall job growth in each state, then ranked locations accordingly.
The full report covers the 49 states with complete data available and the District of Columbia, with a detailed breakdown of both franchise-specific and broader labor market employment projections.
Key Findings, With Data for Florida
Franchise employment is growing faster than the national average. Franchise jobs are projected to grow 4.7% between 2023 and 2025, outpacing the 2.4% overall employment growth rate. Franchises will account for 5.8% of total jobs and 11% of total job growth, adding 402,000 positions and surpassing 9 million workers.
Quick-service restaurants (QSR) lead in franchise employment, but personal services are growing fastest. QSR franchises will employ over 4 million workers in 2025, while personal service franchises (e.g., fitness centers, salons, childcare) will see the fastest growth at 7.8%.
The Southeast has the highest franchise employment share. Nine of the top 10 states with the largest proportion of total jobs in franchise businesses are in the Southeast, driven by lower costs and fewer employment regulations.
Florida franchise employment is expected to increase by 6.8%. It’s projected that 6.4% of the state’s workforce—about 702,000 workers—will be employed by franchises in 2025.
Franchise-driven job growth in Florida: Franchise jobs are expected to drive 8.2% of total employment growth in Florida between 2023 and 2025, below the national share of 11.0%.