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Mike Waltz: Army Would Make a Mistake if it Cuts Special Forces

On Thursday, U.S. Rep. Mike Waltz, who is chairman of the U.S. Subcommittee on Readiness and who is the first Green Beret to serve in Congress, weighed in after reports that the U.S. Army is cutting 3,000 troops from its Special Forces ranks.

“I am stunned and appalled by reports indicating the U.S. Army will cut 3,000 troops from its special operations ranks as a means to manage their worst recruiting crisis since the Vietnam War. The Secretary of the Army is trying to claim she’s only cutting support troops like intelligence analysts, psychological operations troops, and logistics personnel. In reality, these support troops are critical to our special operators success in remote locations in 60-70 countries on any given day all over the world,” Waltz said.

“Special operators play a crucial role in training allies across the world and are needed for the most dangerous missions in times of conflict and to deter enemies. Special operations are more relevant than ever as we address threats from China, Russia, Iran, and terrorists on the march in in Afghanistan. The Biden administration is once again dismissing the advice of senior military leaders, crippling our military at home. Rather than investing in expensive climate and DEI initiatives, the Army should focus on putting our soldiers in the best position to win the next war,” he added.


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