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Florida Government News

Most Republicans Support Keeping Roe v. Wade With a Few Exceptions, Poll Shows

For years, the Republican Party has supported pro-life positions in their party platform but a poll released last month on abortion may have some conservatives worried

According to a Fox News survey from September, around two-third of voters–65 percent–support keeping abortion legal.

For the first time, more than half of Republicans believe Roe v. Wade should stay as the law of the land.

The survey found that 53 percent of Republicans say that Roe v. Wade shouldn’t be touched while 77 percent of Democrats and 64 percent of independents want to keep that case as the law of the land.

Among religious groups, 72 percent of white Catholics and 49 percent of white evangelicals also support keeping Roe v. Wade.

More than a quarter of those surveyed–28 percent of voters–believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned.

Voters offered feedback over abortion with exemptions. Almost half of those surveyed–49 percent–think abortion should be legal in all or most cases while another 49 percent say it should only be legal in some cases such as rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.

Despite most voters wanting to keep Roe v. Wade, there is some good news for the pro-life community. The poll found that 60 percent of voters think there should be some form of compromise and a more moderate approach to the issue, including supporting some restrictions.

The abortion debate will be front and center in December as the U.S. Supreme Court will hear about certain states, primarily Texas, and recent decisions to restrict most abortions. The pollsters and other political analysts say this could be a top issue in the upcoming 2022 midterm election.

But if the Supreme Court rules in favor of the Texas law, the question is what group is motivated most by this issue. Normally evangelicals are more focused on abortion but, according to Chris Anderson, who helped conduct the Fox poll, said, this time around, the polling shows that more Democrats than Republicans are energized on this issue.

The poll of 1,002 registered voters was taken from Sept. 12 through Sept. 15 and had a margin of error of +- 3 percent.


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