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Report: The Earth Is Warming, But Mostly From Nature, Not Humans

The earth is getting warmer and hit a record high last year, according to a recent story by the Associated Press (AP). However, some scientists are claiming the warming is coming more from “mother nature” than from humans.

A group of 57 scientists from around the world used the model approved by the United Nations and found the planet is warming at a faster rate but didn’t see any proof of a rapid increase from “human-caused climate change.”

The AP says last year’s record temperatures were so unusual that scientists have been debating what’s behind the big jump, whether climate change is accelerating, or if other factors are in play.

The AP reports a group of authors gathered and analyzed the science of global warming’s primary factors. Some said human activity. Others said the larger increase was coming from El Nino, the natural and temporary warming of the central Pacific that changes weather worldwide, and also, a “freak warming along the Atlantic and just other weather randomness”, according to the authors.

The report included another contributing factor to the earth’s warming: undersea volcanoes that inject massive amounts of heat-trapping water vapor into the atmosphere.

Alex Epstein at the Center for Industrial Progress says humans are a minor factor in the warming of the earth, but their impact isn’t as impactful as natural weather occurrence causes.

“There are multiple different factors that it can affect the temperature, but there are other impacts as well and yet far more people die of cold then from heat and fewer people die of climate related causes than ever thanks in large part to energy from fossil fuel, so it’s not an existential threat, it’s actually an existential success,” said Epstein.


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