This week. Gov. Ron DeSantis awarded nearly $11 million to support infrastructure in Madison, Suwannee, and Putnam Counties through the Rural Infrastructure fund and the Community Development Block Grant program administered by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO).
Since the beginning of 2021, DeSantis has traveled the state to award more than $62 million in funding through the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund and more than $800 million through the Community Development Block Grant programs, with a command focus on supporting rural counties and small cities.
“Our administration has focused on investing in meaningful projects that improve infrastructure and create opportunities for employers and families in rural communities,” said DeSantis on Monday. “There is strong demand in our state and especially in rural communities for economic expansion and I will continue working with the Florida Legislature to fund projects like these.”
“I am proud to stand with Governor DeSantis as he champions Florida’s rural communities yet again,” said DEO Sec. Dane Eagle. “Under the governor’s leadership, more than $70 million has been awarded to Florida’s small and rural communities to promote their economic success.”
Through the Rural Infrastructure Fund, DeSantis awarded:
$300,000 to Madison County for preparation of a feasibility study and preliminary engineering services to extend centralized water and sewer services to the route along the Honey Lake health facility clinic.
$340,000 to the City of Palatka in Putnam County for the expansion of a lift station located at St. John’s Avenue and Zeagler Drive in the City of Palatka.
The purpose of the Rural Infrastructure Fund (RIF) Grant is to facilitate the planning, preparing, and financing of infrastructure projects in rural communities which will encourage job creation, capital investment, and the strengthening and diversification of rural economies. The RIF program is intended to facilitate access of rural communities to infrastructure funding programs, such as those offered by the Small Cities Community Development Block Grant, United States Department of Agriculture – Rural Development, and the United States Department of Commerce – Economic Development Administration.
Through the CDBG-CV program we are awarding:
$5 million to Suwannee County for a new multi-use building.
$5 million to the City of Palatka to widen sidewalks and paths in and around the downtown commercial area.
Administered by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), Community Development Block Grant-CV (CDBG-CV) funds are federally awarded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and designed to help local governments prepare for, prevent, or respond to the health and economic impacts of the pandemic. The activities must be critical to their locality and primarily for the benefit of low- and moderate-income residents. Local governments are encouraged to include activities that benefit workforce housing, training, and sustainability, as well as broadband infrastructure and planning.