Seven Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) projects were selected for Outstanding Project Awards at the 2023 American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (ACEC Florida) Transportation Conference held from May 31 – June 1, 2023, in Orlando.
Annually, the ACEC Florida recognizes the outstanding achievements of its members in carrying out Florida transportation studies and projects.
“Congratulations to Florida engineering firms and Florida Department of Transportation Districts for their outstanding achievement in the design and construction of Florida roads, bridges, intersections, expressways and highways,” said Allen Douglas, the executive director of American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida. “Your innovation in transportation excellence will help ensure residents and visitors can safely travel to their destination.”
“This diverse selection of projects recognized by the ACEC Florida showcases the multitude of ways FDOT is meeting the needs of the communities we serve. The Department is honored to receive these recognitions from the ACEC Florida. I applaud our teams for their hard work on these projects and we will continue to deliver a safe and efficient transportation system for the people of Florida,” said FDOT Sec. Jared Perdue.
ACEC Florida Outstanding Project Award winners include:
Outstanding Major Project:
Wekiva Parkway Section 6
FDOT District 5
Design Consultant – WGI, Inc.
CEI Consultant – RS&H, Inc.
Outstanding Design-Build
I-4 Ultimate Improvement Project
FDOT District 5
Design Consultant – HDR/Jacobs Design Joint Venture
CEI Consultant – HNTB
Outstanding Roadway Project:
SR 390 from Baldwin Road to Jenks Avenue Capacity Project
FDOT District 3
Design Consultant – DRMP, Inc.
CEI Consultant – RS&H, Inc.
Outstanding Bridge Project:
SR 15 (US 17) 4-Laning over Dunns Creek
FDOT District 2
Design Consultant – Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
CEI Consultant – England-Thims & Miller, Inc.
Outstanding PD&E/Planning Project:
Venetian Causeway Bridges PD&E Study
FDOT District 6
Design Consultant – EAC Consulting, Inc.
Outstanding Environmental Project – (2)
SR 4 Bridge Replacement over Blackwater River
FDOT District 3
Design Consultant – Florida Bridge and Transportation, Inc.
CEI Consultant – Eisman & Russo
Outstanding Special Project
West Cervantes Street Pedestrian Safety Improvements
FDOT District 3
Design Consultant – HDR Engineering, Inc.
CEI Consultant – Mehta & Associates, Inc.
Nominations were submitted from projects in FDOT’s seven districts, Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise and the Central Office. The awards committee is comprised of ACEC Florida and FDOT representatives.