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Which States Are People Leaving and Moving To?

Allied Van Lines, one of the largest relocation companies in the moving industry, has released their latest Migration Report

Allied Van Lines, one of the largest relocation companies in the moving industry, has released their latest Migration Report, which covers the state-to-state relocation of millions of Americans. The report monitors the patterns of the overall behavior of Americans looking for the location that best suits their needs, whether they be financial, educational, or occupational.

The report breakdowns which states and cities saw an increase of inbound (moving in) and outbound (those leaving).

Top Inbound States:

The most attractive states people relocated to were South Carolina (65%), Arizona (61%), Tennessee (61%), North Carolina (60%), and Florida (52%). Allied says these states have consistently attracted new residents. The reasons were more favorable economic conditions, appealing climate, and growing job markets.

The top inbound cities were Charleston, SC (70%), Tucson, AZ (70%), Charlotte, NC (68%), Nashville, TN (57%), and Phoenix, AZ (54%). The draw to these locations were based on economic opportunities, lifestyle benefits, and, in many cases, a more relaxed pace of life.

According to the finding of this report, South Carolina & Charleston, SC stood out because of the job growth, affordable cost of living, and a pleasant climate. The state’s also is increasing in the tech sector and manufacturing growth. Charleston offers a rich cultural scene, historical attractions, and a strong sense of community, making it highly attractive for new residents.

Florida still remains a hot spot for people to move to. Allied says the appeal of the state continues to be its favorable tax policies, including no state income tax, warm climate, and diverse economic opportunities, ranging from tourism to aerospace.

The Top Outbound States

Illinois (64%), California (60%), Pennsylvania (57%), Michigan (57%), and Washington (55%) topped the list of outbound states. Allied points out the reasons why people and business are leaving these states is because of the highs living costs, economic challenges, and, in some cases and the weather.

The top outbound cities, San Diego,CA (66%), Chicago, IL (64%), Seattle, WA (61%), Detroit, MI (60%), and Los Angeles, CA (60%). The report highlights one key area these cities had in common of people leaving, were urban challenges like crime.

Another key reason why the exodus continues from many of these states is the housing market.

Prices still continue to rise not just those who looking to own but those that rent. Allied says the increase in rental cost is also making people leave and move to states like South Carolina and Tennessee.


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