Now in her second month in Congress, freshman U.S. Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell continues to announce federal funds for Florida International University (FIU).
On Thursday, the South Florida Democrat announced $718,150 in federal funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to FIU’s medical research projects.
Mucasel-Powell has ties to FIU, something she noted in her announcement on Thursday.
“As a former associate dean of FIU’s College of Medicine, I know the important role FIU has in making our communities healthier,” said Mucarsel-Powell. “In 2018, it was reported that Miami had one of the highest rates of new HIV cases in the country. That must change. In his State of the Union, the [resident urged us to work together to eliminate the scourge of HIV within the next 10 years, and I am hopeful this funding is an indication the administration is serious about achieving that goal. I am eager to see how FIU will continue to be a leader in medical research that will benefit all Americans.”
HHS is sending $439,500 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute for heart and vascular diseases research at FIU. The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities is sending $278,650 to FIU for HIV research.
Last week, Mucarsel-Powell, who sits on the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology will be sending almost $4 million to South Florida.
Most of those funds–$2,574,300– will be going to the University of Florida’s STRIDE Center – of which Florida International University (FIU) is a consortium member. FIU will also be getting $1,400,100 for its Accelerated Bridge Construction program.
Kevin Derby can be reached at [email protected].