Recent research has identified the states that are leveraging technology and AI to enhance productivity, with Florida ranking sixth. The study found that Florida has an average of 87.13 monthly Google searches per 100,000 citizens for terms related to productivity-boosting technology and AI.
Experts in PDF management at Smallpdf analyzed the average number of monthly Google searches across each state over the past 12 months, from November 2023 to November 2024. They examined over 900 terms related to productivity-enhancing tech, such as “organization app” and “time management helper,” to determine which states are most engaged with these tools.

Wyoming topped the list, with an average of 94.03 monthly searches per 100,000 citizens. In contrast, Mississippi demonstrated the least interest in productivity-boosting technology and AI, with only 61.91 average monthly searches per 100,000 citizens. Nationwide, the most searched term is “notes app,” which has an average monthly search volume of 45,379, representing 18% of all searches related to productivity tech. Following this is “reminders app” with an average monthly search volume of 38,995, accounting for 15% of total searches. The term “homework helpers” ranks next, with an average volume of 29,543 searches, making up 12% of the total. Finally, “calendar app” and “writing app” round out the top five, with average search volumes of 21,507 and 9,929, respectively.
“It is fascinating to see how different states across the US engage with technology to improve productivity,” Moritz Werner, CEO of Smallpdf said. “Interestingly, the ranking seems to be dominated by states with some of the lowest populations in the US, such as Wyoming, Vermont, and Alaska. This could be influenced by a number of factors, such as the percentage of the population working or studying from home and the percentage of white-collar workers. The top searched terms across the US, notes app, reminders app and homework helpers, suggest a focus on tools for organization and academic assistance. This highlights a growing trend of people utilizing technology as a way to stay on top of tasks and juggle busy schedules.Productivity apps and tools can help with time management, improve organization, and reduce procrastination. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or even a parent, there are tools out there that can help everybody.”